Minato Kai and Siguma Squad, two rival gangs at Ichizu High School, are embroiled in a bitter power struggle. As a transfer student, Arajin Tomoshibi has no interest in getting involved; instead, his priority is finding a girlfriend. Fortunately for him, he is placed next to Mahoro Jin, the prettiest girl in the class who also seems to like him. However, she has an overprotective older brother, Marito—none other than the combative leader of Siguma Squad. Moreover, Arajin's reunion with his childhood friend, Matakara Asamine, spells trouble since Matakara is a member of Minato Kai.
With his rotten luck, Arajin also accidentally awakens the genie Senya, known as a Honki Person from ancient legends. Senya takes a shine to him because of the young man's fervent aspiration—despite it only being the loss of his virginity. While Arajin would be the first to flee from a fight, Senya lending him his powers helps the lovesick boy to hold his own against the likes of Marito, although this only raises the interest of both gangs in recruiting him. As the turf wars heat up when a third gang joins the fray, Arajin's involvement may be unavoidable.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Asamine, Matakara
MainHoshino, Yuusuke
MainKobatake, Masafumi
JapaneseTomoshibi, Arajin
MainOokawa, Genki
JapaneseAmichi, Hakaru
SupportingPhillips, Kyle
EnglishAsamine, Mitsukuni
SupportingLounsbery, Arthur
JapaneseDouman, Kenichirou
SupportingSaitou, Jirou
JapaneseHagure, Tatsuto
SupportingHayama, Shouta
SupportingOota, Tetsuharu
JapaneseJabashiri, Nagare
SupportingFurukawa, Makoto
JapaneseJin, Marito
SupportingSasaki, Nozomu
JapaneseJin, Mahoro
SupportingNagase, Anna
JapaneseKanchi, Otomi
JapaneseMomotari, Shijuurou
SupportingTachibana, Tatsumaru
JapaneseRansei, Shiba
SupportingKaneko, Hayato
JapaneseSakigake, Komao
SupportingYamaguchi, Kappei
JapaneseShindo, Akutarou
SupportingSuzuki, Chihiro
JapaneseTahide, Outa
SupportingTakeuchi, Ryouta
JapaneseTemple Delinquent A
SupportingFujiwara, Seiyuu
JapaneseTemple Delinquent B
SupportingInoue, Jun
JapaneseTomoshibi, Yayako
SupportingNarahashi, Miki
JapaneseZabu, Kakeru
SupportingNozuyama, Yukihiro
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