Beginning his first year of high school, all Matsuboshi Raidou wants is to make friends—starting with the cute, tiny, and soft-spoken Reina Aharen, who sits right next to him in class. Unbeknownst to Raidou, Reina shares the same sentiment, but she has a problem. Awkward and timid, Reina is incapable of determining how chummy she has to be when approaching a person.
Due to Reina's complete inability to gauge personal space, the two struggle to spark their unlikely friendship, as even the simplest tasks like talking seem impossible for them. But despite the countless yet pointless challenges that hinder the pair, the overly imaginative Raidou will do whatever it takes to befriend the indecipherable Reina.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Aharen, Reina
MainMinase, Inori
JapaneseRaidou, Matsuboshi
MainTerashima, Takuma
JapaneseAharen, Eru
SupportingHidaka, Rina
JapaneseAharen, Ren
SupportingFujiwara, Natsumi
SupportingSashide, Maria
JapaneseFutaba's Father
SupportingKameyama, Yuuji
SupportingKakihara, Tetsuya
SupportingKozakai, Yurie
JapaneseOoshiro, Mitsuki
SupportingIchimichi, Mao
JapaneseRaidou, Younger Sister
SupportingNagae, Rika
JapaneseRaidou's Mother
SupportingMatsui, Eriko
JapaneseSatou, Hanako
SupportingKusunoki, Tomori
SupportingHanazawa, Kana
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