In recent years, creatures known as Kaii have frequently attacked cities and wrought destruction. Exterminating these monsters quickly became a popular and well-respected profession, carried out by magical girls. More than five hundred magical girl companies, ranging from small ventures to large corporations, offer their aid to those who need it.
Kana Sakuragi is a studious college graduate struggling to land a job despite attending numerous interviews. But when a Kaii attacks during her latest interview, she finds herself assisting the magical girl responding to the crisis. Although she lacks battle experience, Kana relies on her exceptional memory and knowledge to help subdue the monster.
Hitomi Koshigaya, the headstrong magical girl who faced the Kaii, recognizes Kana's potential and invites her to join Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.—the startup where Hitomi works. Wishing to make a difference, Kana accepts the offer to become a magical girl herself. While Kana may not be suited for the corporate world, it soon becomes clear that her true calling is to rise as one of the most talented magical girls in existence.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Koshigaya, Hitomi
MainHanamori, Yumiri
JapaneseMidorikawa, Kaede
MainOosaka, Ryouta
JapaneseNikoyama, Kazuo
MainYamashita, Daiki
JapaneseSakuragi, Kana
MainFairouz Ai
JapaneseShigemoto, Kouji
MainKoyama, Rikiya
JapaneseAoi, Lily
SupportingIshihara, Kaori
JapaneseAsou, Miyako
SupportingInoue, Kikuko
JapaneseGinji, Hana
SupportingKouno, Hiyori
SupportingKoshimizu, Ami
JapaneseKoga, Kei
SupportingIshida, Akira
JapaneseMakino, Akane
SupportingAmami, Yurina
SupportingOikawa, Masayuki
SupportingNakai, Kazuya
JapaneseTsuchiba, Mei
SupportingAnzai, Chika
SupportingTachibana, Shinnosuke
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