Kaoru Hanabishi, a college student who lives alone, met a beautiful but bewildered girl dressed in a kimono at a train station. He volunteered to guide her way to the address she was looking for, which happened to be in his neighborhood, but turned out to be an empty lot. Not knowing what to do next, Kaoru invited the devastated girl to his apartment and asked for any additional clues to her destination. She supplied him with a photo of two children whom Kaoru immediately identified as himself and Aoi Sakuraba, his childhood friend. It turned out that the girl in front of him is Aoi Sakuraba herself, his betrothed fiancee who came all the way to Tokyo to marry him. Her revelation was not only surprising but also reminded the deepest part of Kaoru's memory for why he left the Hanabishi family in the first place.
Characters and Voice Actors
Hanabishi, Kaoru
MainHoshi, Souichirou
JapaneseSakuraba, Aoi
MainKawasumi, Ayako
JapaneseAoi's Father
SupportingUtsumi, Kenji
JapaneseAoi's Grandmother
SupportingSakuma, Natsumi
JapaneseAoi's Mother
SupportingTakashima, Gara
JapaneseFoster, Tina
SupportingYukino, Satsuki
JapaneseHanabishi, Genichiro
SupportingTokumaru, Kan
JapaneseHonjou, Kumi
SupportingSuzuka, Chiharu
JapaneseKagurazaki, Miyabi
SupportingHiramatsu, Akiko
JapaneseMayu's Father
SupportingIshizuka, Unshou
JapaneseMayu's Mother
SupportingSuzuki, Hiroko
JapaneseMinazuki, Taeko
SupportingMizuhashi, Kaori
JapaneseMinazuki, Chika
SupportingMomoi, Haruko
JapaneseMiyuki, Mayu
SupportingNarita, Sayaka
JapaneseNakazawa, Akiko
SupportingWatanabe, Naoko
JapaneseSaionji, Ruka
SupportingHoriuchi, Kenyuu
SupportingHigo, Makoto
SupportingNakai, Kazuya
JapaneseTaeko's Grandmother
SupportingShimamoto, Sumi
SupportingSakaguchi, Kouichi
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