After graduating middle school, Tonbo Ooi sets sail from the isolated island of Tokara to Kumamoto in hopes of advancing her golf career. Using his connections, Tonbo's mentor Kazuyoshi Igarashi is able to convince coach Hajime Udou to train her. While Tonbo initially has trouble showing off her abilities with her peculiar playstyle and inexperience with using a variety of golf clubs, she quickly proves her worth at her course debut by making use of her unique skills.
Leaving an impression on Hajime and the people around her, Tonbo is sent to compete in the Kyushu Women's Championship. Met with familiar faces and new rivals, she is determined to dive deeper into the professional world of golf.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Igarashi, Kazuyoshi
MainTouchi, Hiroki
JapaneseOoi, Tonbo
MainHayashi, Rika
JapaneseAdaniya, Youko
SupportingMaihane, Mimi
JapaneseAdaniya, Tsubura
SupportingKitamura, Eri
JapaneseFumihira, Osamu
SupportingEnoki, Junya
JapaneseKurisu, Ema
SupportingInoue, Marina
JapaneseMitsushima, Setsu
SupportingArima, Mizuka
JapaneseOoi, Gonzou
SupportingAomori, Shin
JapaneseOtowa, Hinoki
SupportingIshikawa, Yui
SupportingKobayashi, Sanae
JapaneseUdou, Hajime
SupportingHanawa, Eiji
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