In the near future when technology has significantly advanced, a famous AI TV fortune teller seemingly foresees high school student Asahi Kashiwagi's day with pinpoint accuracy. On his way to school, he encounters Aoi Izumisawa, Bai Mongfa, Karin Istel, Amelia Irving, and Ilya Ilyukhin. Despite meeting them for the first time, Asahi suddenly receives love confessions from all of them at the end of the same day, perfectly aligning with the fortune teller's prediction.
As if that was not enough, Asahi soon learns that these five individuals are actually candidates to become his bride, and they have been invited by his father to live at Asahi's home. Left with no other choice, he reluctantly allows them to stay, resulting in a bawdy turn of events that brightens up his average high school life.
However, as Asahi spends more time with them, forgotten memories gradually resurface. While uncovering the hidden truth, Asahi begins to believe that his fate with these potential partners might be more than just mere coincidence.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Bai, Mongfa
MainKanemoto, Hisako
JapaneseIlyukhina, Irina
MainTakahashi, Rie
JapaneseIrving, Amelia
MainTaketatsu, Ayana
JapaneseIstel, Karin
MainKouno, Marika
JapaneseIzumisawa, Aoi
MainItou, Miku
JapaneseKashiwagi, Asahi
MainOosaka, Ryouta
JapaneseAsahi's Mother
SupportingKingetsu, Mami
JapaneseChief Sawatari
SupportingSaitou, Hironori
JapaneseColonel Sanders
SupportingGenda, Tesshou
JapaneseFeynman, Yoshino
SupportingFujii, Yukiyo
JapaneseIjuuin, Yoshio
SupportingFukuyama, Jun
JapaneseIrina's Father
SupportingSugisaki, Ryou
JapaneseIzawa, Koutarou
SupportingOotsuka, Akio
JapaneseIzawa, Ai
SupportingItou, Miku
SupportingIzawa, Shiori
JapaneseMoriyama, Souta
SupportingHirose, Yuuya
JapaneseNatsukawa, Himari
SupportingTakada, Yuuki
JapaneseSagami Okamoto Deluxe
SupportingKatou, Emiri
SupportingShimoji, Shino
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