The Four Cardinal Heroes are a group of ordinary men from modern-day Japan summoned to the kingdom of Melromarc to become its saviors. Melromarc is a country plagued by the Waves of Catastrophe that have repeatedly ravaged the land and brought disaster to its citizens for centuries. The four heroes are respectively bestowed a sword, spear, bow, and shield to vanquish these Waves. Naofumi Iwatani, an otaku, becomes cursed with the fate of being the "Shield Hero." Armed with only a measly shield, Naofumi is belittled and ridiculed by his fellow heroes and the kingdom's people due to his weak offensive capabilities and lackluster personality.
When the heroes are provided with resources and comrades to train with, Naofumi sets out with the only person willing to train alongside him, Malty Melromarc. He is soon betrayed by her, however, and becomes falsely accused of taking advantage of her. Naofumi then becomes heavily discriminated against and hated by the people of Melromarc for something he didn't do. With a raging storm of hurt and mistrust in his heart, Naofumi begins his journey of strengthening himself and his reputation. Further along however, the difficulty of being on his own sets in, so Naofumi buys a demi-human slave on the verge of death named Raphtalia to accompany him on his travels.
As the Waves approach the kingdom, Naofumi and Raphtalia must fight for the survival of the kingdom and protect the people of Melromarc from their ill-fated future.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
MainHidaka, Rina
JapaneseIwatani, Naofumi
MainIshikawa, Kaito
MainSeto, Asami
SupportingKajiwara, Gakuto
JapaneseAlexanderite, Therese
SupportingHayami, Saori
JapaneseAmaki, Ren
SupportingMatsuoka, Yoshitsugu
SupportingOgata, Kenichi
JapaneseBerg, L'Arc
SupportingFukuyama, Jun
JapaneseEarl of Habenburg
SupportingBifu, Hitoshi
SupportingYasumoto, Hiroki
SupportingTange, Sakura
JapaneseGrilaroc, Elrasla
SupportingIzawa, Maki
JapaneseHaven, Elena
SupportingHead of the village
SupportingSasaki, Yoshihito
JapaneseHerbal Shop Owner
SupportingMaki, Shunichi
JapaneseIvyred, Rishia
SupportingHara, Natsuko
JapaneseKawasumi, Itsuki
SupportingYamaya, Yoshitaka
SupportingFujiwara, Natsumi
JapaneseKitamura, Motoyasu
SupportingTakahashi, Makoto
JapaneseMagic Shop Owner
SupportingKawasaki, Meiko
SupportingKowaka, Wakana
SupportingKusunoki, Taiten
JapaneseMelromarc, Malty S
SupportingBridcutt, Sarah Emi
JapaneseMelromarc, Melty Q
SupportingUchida, Maaya
JapaneseMelromarc, Mirelia Q
SupportingInoue, Kikuko
JapaneseMelromarc XXXII, Aultcray
SupportingNakano, Yutaka
JapanesePrevious Shield Hero
SupportingToriumi, Kousuke
JapaneseRadier, Idol
SupportingNishimura, Taisuke
JapaneseRaphtalia's Father
SupportingTezuka, Hiromichi
JapaneseRaphtalia's Mother
SupportingMatsui, Eriko
JapaneseReichnott, Van
SupportingYashiro, Taku
JapaneseT. Balmus, Biscas
SupportingSugou, Takayuki
JapaneseVillage Chief
SupportingKashii, Shouto
JapaneseVillage Doctor
SupportingAoyama, Yutaka
JapaneseVillage Doctor's Assistant
SupportingInagawa, Eri
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