High school student Yuuichi Katagiri cherishes his close circle of friends, composed of four classmates: Yutori Kokorogi, Shiho Sawaragi, Makoto Shibe, and Tenji Mikasa. However, when the funds for the upcoming school trip are stolen, the incident causes Shiho and Makoto—who had been tasked with collecting the money—to distance themselves from the rest of their class.
Soon after, Yuuichi and his friends are deceived into meeting up and knocked unconscious by unknown assailants. After waking, the group find themselves confined in a white room with controversial figure Manabu-kun, who reveals that one of the five has gathered them together to clear their personal debt of twenty million yen. To pay off the amount, they must participate in a variety of psychological games that will test the true nature of their friendship and humanity.
Distressed and isolated from the outside world, Yuuichi and his friends need to cooperate to complete the games. But as their concealed feelings and problematic pasts begin to surface, their seemingly unbreakable bond may soon shatter into irreparable pieces.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Katagiri, Yuuichi
MainKobayashi, Chiaki
JapaneseKokorogi, Yutori
MainAmano, Satomi
JapaneseMikasa, Tenji
MainHamano, Daiki
JapaneseSawaragi, Shiho
MainMiyamoto, Yume
JapaneseShibe, Makoto
MainOno, Tomohiro
JapaneseBully Girl A
SupportingVollet, Solenn
FrenchGirl Student A
SupportingVollet, Solenn
JapaneseHanamiya, Mitsuru
JapaneseHashiratani, Chisato
SupportingKakihara, Tetsuya
JapaneseHomeroom Teacher
SupportingTakashina, Toshitsugu
JapaneseKadokura, Juuzou
SupportingInada, Tetsu
JapaneseKatagiri, Yuka
SupportingShiina, Hekiru
SupportingKagami, Riki
SupportingFukuyama, Jun
SupportingTakayama, Minami
SupportingHanazawa, Kana
JapaneseMikasa, Yutaka
SupportingYanaka, Hiroshi
JapaneseMizuse, Maria
SupportingUeda, Reina
JapaneseNiwa, Banri
SupportingOno, Daisuke
JapaneseOnigawara, Hyakutarou
SupportingTaniyama, Kishou
JapaneseSawaragi, Wataru
SupportingOotsuka, Akio
JapaneseSergeant Manabu
JapaneseShiba, Taizen
SupportingOotsuka, Houchuu
JapaneseShinomiya, Kei
SupportingOno, Kensho
JapaneseTamai, Reiko
SupportingMizuki, Nana
SupportingItou, Shizuka
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