When humanity was oppressed by mysterious foes, five exceptional mages known as the Heavenly Invaders joined forces to defeat them. In fear that these formidable enemies would return, the five most powerful mages, known as the Magia Vander, built a magical dome and a tower to contain them. Since then, the five strongest mages of every generation are tasked with monitoring the dome from the top of the Wizard's Tower.
Inspired by this story, childhood friends Will Sefort and Elfaria Albis Serfort promised each other that they would climb to the top of the Wizard's Tower. However, now a sixth-year student at Regarden Magic Academy, Will's future looks bleak. Although Elfaria managed to join the ranks of the Magia Vander five years prior thanks to her unparalleled magical power, Will has no magical abilities whatsoever, attracting the ire of teachers and students alike.
However, blessed with an exceptional physique, Will is able to slay monsters in the labyrinth and prevail against skilled magicians with the only aid of his sword and a few magical items. Determined to climb the Wizard's Tower at all cost, Will is determined to not let anyone or anything prevent him from keeping the promise he made to Elfaria.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Serfort, Elfaria Albis
MainSekine, Akira
JapaneseSerfort, Will
MainAmasaki, Kouhei
JapaneseAlerht, Lunais
SupportingTakahashi, Shinya
JapaneseAlf, Ellenor Ljos
SupportingAmamiya, Sora
JapaneseAlfeld, Sarissa
SupportingShimizu, Ayaka
JapaneseAnouve, Caldron
SupportingSuzuki, Reiko
JapaneseBaret, Gordon
SupportingUra, Kazuki
JapaneseChallia, Filvis
SupportingKanemoto, Hisako
SupportingSugisaki, Ryou
SupportingTamura, Mutsumi
SupportingYaoya, Kyou
SupportingFollare, Wagner
Portuguese (BR)Holland, Rogue
SupportingTamaru, Atsushi
SupportingInase, Aoi
JapaneseKlever, Emma
SupportingSuzushiro, Sayumi
JapaneseLindor, Wignall
SupportingKawanishi, Kengo
SupportingOotsuka, Akio
JapaneseLoire, Colette
SupportingAmano, Satomi
JapaneseMainy, Karen
SupportingPyronnet, Sophie
FrenchMaius, Mike
SupportingKousaka, Atsushi
JapaneseMarcus, Bruno
SupportingTakahashi, Shinya
JapaneseMarteau, Flip
SupportingOno, Tomohiro
SupportingOkamoto, Nobuhiko
JapaneseMarze, Lyril
SupportingOno, Tomohiro
JapaneseMoraine, Jhorua
SupportingTamaru, Atsushi
SupportingTamura, Mutsumi
JapaneseNauman, Rosti
SupportingLocqueneux, Damien
FrenchNorgram, Workner
SupportingSeki, Tomokazu
JapaneseNosferat, Eliza
SupportingKoshimizu, Ami
JapaneseOldeking, Aron Masterius
SupportingOotsuka, Houchuu
JapaneseOwenzaus, Lihanna
JapanesePrehnite, Rose
SupportingKawase, Maki
JapaneseReinberg, Julius
SupportingKakihara, Tetsuya
JapaneseReinbolt, Zeo Torzeus
SupportingFurukawa, Makoto
JapaneseSerfence, Edward
SupportingYusa, Kouji
JapaneseSnoke, Palm
SupportingTezuka, Hiromichi
JapaneseStellamaris, Iris X.
SupportingOokubo, Rumi
JapaneseUlster, Sion
SupportingMizunaka, Masaaki
JapaneseViridis, Lefiya
SupportingKimura, Juri
JapaneseWiseman, Cariott Incindia
SupportingFukuyama, Jun
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