At the start of her freshman year in college, Hana Uzaki reunites with Shinichi Sakurai, an upperclassman who was in the same club as her during her high school days. However, much to her surprise, the once active senior has ended up becoming a "lonesome" student, preferring to spend his free time in quiet peace.
Uzaki does whatever she can to keep Sakurai from being "alone," from convincing him to go to the movies to going to his part-time workplace. While Sakurai finds her irritating and tiresome, he still goes along with Uzaki's hijinks and shenanigans, even if he knows that her perky personality will only lead the two of them into various comical situations.
Even so, as the days pass by, their relationship only gets better, to the point where people around them misinterpret them to be a couple. At any rate, whenever Uzaki wants to hang out with her upperclassman, fun and adorable wackiness is sure to follow!
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Sakurai, Shinichi
MainAkabane, Kenji
JapaneseUzaki, Hana
MainOozora, Naomi
SupportingYamane, Masashi
JapaneseAsai, Ami
SupportingTaketatsu, Ayana
JapaneseAsai, Akihiko
SupportingAkimoto, Yousuke
JapaneseMiho Miho
SupportingTagherset, Kahina
SupportingYamada, Shinichi
JapaneseRamen Restaurant Owner
SupportingMarais, Stéphane
FrenchRock Climbing Instructor
SupportingOka, Junko
JapaneseSakaki, Itsuhito
SupportingTakagi, Tomoya
JapaneseTottori Govenor
SupportingYamane, Masashi
JapaneseTottori Guide
SupportingHondo, Kaede
JapaneseUzaki, Kiri
SupportingSanpei, Yuuko
JapaneseUzaki, Tsuki
SupportingHayami, Saori
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