In the small rural town of Mifuse, time has crawled to a standstill. After an explosion at the city's steel mill, the townspeople realize they are trapped in a mysterious stasis—cutting them off from the rest of the world. With a local elite quick to declare the situation a punishment from God, the community adopts a variety of superstitions to preserve the delicate balance of their circumstances until normalcy is restored.
For middle school student Masamune Kikuiri and the other young people of Mifuse, returning to the real world has become nothing more than an illusion. Their senses have gone numb, and it has been years since they have shown any signs of aging. Masamune feels like he has become accustomed to his insecurities and empty existence. However, one day, his classmate Mutsumi Sagami guides him to the fifth furnace of the steel mill, where she shows him a feral young girl who resembles a wolf. This encounter proves to be the impetus in casting a light of change that dispels the shadows that have become Mifuse's reality.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
MainKuno, Misaki
JapaneseKikuiri, Masamune
MainEnoki, Junya
JapaneseSagami, Mutsumi
MainUeda, Reina
JapaneseHara, Hina
SupportingKawase, Maki
JapaneseKikuiri, Misato
JapaneseKikuiri, Akimune
SupportingSeto, Kouji
JapaneseKikuiri, Tokimune
SupportingHayashi, Kento
JapaneseNitta, Atsushi
SupportingHatanaka, Tasuku
JapaneseSagami, Mamoru
SupportingSatou, Setsuji
JapaneseSasakura, Daisuke
SupportingYashiro, Taku
JapaneseSenba, Yasunari
SupportingKobayashi, Daiki
JapaneseSonobe, Yuuko
SupportingSaitou, Ayaka
JapaneseYasumi, Reina
SupportingFujii, Yukiyo
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