A series of gruesome murders dubbed "New Generation Madness" once induced mass hysteria in Shibuya. At its peak during a frenzied riot, a sudden earthquake reduced the district into nothing but rubble, while leaving surrounding wards strangely intact.
Six years later, in a newly rebuilt Shibuya, mysterious deaths begin to crop up again. It is not long before third-year student Takuru Miyashiro realizes a connection: the dates of the recent murders match those of the New Generation Madness incidents. He, along with several members of his school's newspaper club, decide to delve deeper into the mystery, only to find themselves stranded in the middle of a new crime scene themselves...
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Characters and Voice Actors
Kurusu, Nono
MainBridcutt, Sarah Emi
JapaneseMinamisawa, Senri
JapaneseMiyashiro, Takuru
MainMatsuoka, Yoshitsugu
JapaneseOnoe, Serika
MainUesaka, Sumire
JapaneseArimura, Hinae
SupportingMimori, Suzuko
JapaneseItou, Shinji
SupportingFujiwara, Yuuki
JapaneseKawahara, Masashi
SupportingAbe, Atsushi
JapaneseKazuki, Hana
SupportingNakaya, Sayaka
JapaneseKunosato, Mio
SupportingSanada, Asami
JapaneseMomose, Katsuko
JapaneseSakuma, Hisashi
SupportingShimura, Tomoyuki
JapaneseShinjou, Takeshi
SupportingKirimoto, Takuya
JapaneseTachibana, Yui
SupportingHara, Yumi
JapaneseTachibana, Yuuto
SupportingKikuchi, Kokoro
JapaneseWakui, Shuuichi
SupportingKatou, Masayuki
JapaneseYamazoe, Uki
SupportingMinase, Inori
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